Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Those of you who are good in solving mathematical puzzle, here is an interesting one.

"There are 10 boxes. Each box contains 10 balls of identical shape , size and color.
Balls in 9 out of 10 boxes weighs 10 grams each. Only one of the boxes contains balls weighing 9 grams each instead of 10 grams. You have to identify the box which contains balls weighing 9 grams only. You are provided with a weighing balance with weights of 10 grams and 1 grams only. The only condition is that once you put number of balls on the weighing balance, you cannot change it. You are however, allowed to change the weights"


Renu said...

I think for weighing we take one ball from each box and weigh it...weighing can be done by putting 10 gm one side and ball and 1 gm on the other side?

Vijay said...

I am afraid Renu, it is not correct.
Sorry. You may try again to solve it.